Remember that the result of the speed test does not reflect your actual connection speed. When performing a speed test on an ADSL line, we have to take into consideration the distance from our ADSL line to the ADSL central. Therefore, the speed shown will not always represent 100% the speed of your connection. For 1mbs connections the average download speed is 800kbps whereas the upload speed is 220kbps, for 2mbs 1600-1700 kbps for download and so on and so forth for this type of connection. For 20mbs connection, the actual speed provided in UK does not go over 43% of the flow, that’s why a connection offering 8500kbps can be considered better that an average one.
Connection speed
Connection speed in most PCs is conditioned by multiple factors that exceed any performed test. Therefore, if a test gives as a result a connection speed that doesn’t match the service you requested, when surfing the internet or when taking full advantage of your connection, there will be other matters to should be taken into account. Hardware and software which are decisive factors are never checked when performing file transfers on any connection. It is neither taken into account that most websites have an intermediate storage capacity guarantying its operation, thus slowing down its speed access. Taking these variants into consideration, it would be important to know that performing a speed connection test would not deliver an accurate value for its operation, but establishing comparison patterns thus enabling the user to know whether the internet service is providing the speed it was originally contracted for.